Pastor's Blog

Back to School, Back to Church

Tim McCoy
Tim McCoy

In today’s blog, I want to: (1) invite you back to church; (2) invite you to our membership class; (3) give you a heads up about our Semi-Annual Church Conference; and (4) point you to an update from our Pastor Search Committee.

Back to School, Back to Church

Now that summer rhythms are giving way to school schedules make sure that Sunday worship is in your weekly routine.

Scripture is clear: God is honored, and we benefit when we gather with other believers to worship (cf. Hebrews 10:24-25).

So choose Traditional worship at 8:30 a.m. in the Chapel, Blended worship at 9:40 or 11:00 a.m. in the Worship Center, Contemporary worship in the Multi-Purpose Gym at 11:00 a.m., or join the livestream at 11:00 a.m. when you can’t be here in person.

I’m looking forward to being in worship with our church family this Sunday, and I hope to see you too!

From Attender to Member

If you’ve been attending Ingleside for a while, I encourage you to take the next step and commit to membership.

Why? Because membership is an expression of your devotion to Christ and his body, the church. It’s a way of saying to the Lord and to other believers, “You can count on me.”

The next membership class is this Sunday, August 13, from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. in Room F-300. No reservation is necessary. Dress is casual. There’s care for your kids. And we will serve you a complimentary snack supper. Just come in the east entrance to the Worship Center, and someone will be there to welcome you.

If you have questions, please reach out to our Membership Pastor, Mark Hudgins (, or our Membership Assistant, Debbie VerSteeg (, or call 478.477.7251.

I hope you will be in the membership class this Sunday!

Semi-Annual Church Conference

On Wednesday night, August 30, at 7:45 p.m. in Room W-200, our church will gather for our Semi-Annual Church Conference.

The agenda includes electing new Overseers, electing our new Deacon Ministry Team, voting on the proposed 2024 Ministry Budget, hearing ministry updates, and having a Q&A time with the Lead Pastor.

A healthy church has healthy processes for governance and accountability. I’m grateful that such healthy processes have long been part of our culture at Ingleside. I hope you will join us on August 30!

An Update from our Pastor Search Committee

As you know, on April 20, I announced that it was time for our church to begin the search for my successor as Lead Pastor at Ingleside.

So on June 14, our church elected our Pastor Search Committee, and they have begun their work.

I hope you will read the first of their updates here and that you will pray daily for God’s wisdom, discernment, and guidance in the search.

I’m very grateful for the Lord’s favor on our journey together, and I remain convinced that the best is yet to come!


Your Pastor and Friend,