Pastor's Blog

Called to Serve (So Will You?)

Andy Johnson Headshot
Andy Johnson, Executive Pastor

If you’ve been reading the Scripture very long, you likely have a particular verse or passage that has indelibly impacted your walk with Christ. Hopefully, you have more than a few.

One of mine is Mark 10:45. In an effort to defuse the conflict that erupted between his disciples when James and John asked to sit at Jesus’ right and left hand in eternity, Jesus states plainly, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Jesus’ point is clear. Follow his example. He didn’t arrive on earth to sit idly by living a life of ease. Surely, his exaltation as King of Kings is occurring now in glory, but he came to earth to meet the needs of humanity – most significantly, the need for forgiveness.

Without humble servants at Ingleside, looking to the cares of others above their own, this church would cease to be what it currently is. But we still have areas where your gifts can be used to the fullest. Consider every opportunity you take part in to worship, fellowship, and grow. Each one of those is fueled by an active volunteer leadership corp. Perhaps you can use your gifts to benefit an area that you are currently benefiting from.

As I surveyed our staff recently, I found that we need over 150 people to step up and serve in the following areas:


  • 33 Preschool Ministry leaders in Sunday and Wednesday evening settings
  • 40 Children’s Ministry leaders to serve in various teaching, assisting, and relational roles
  • 13 Breakout group leaders in our Middle School Ministry
  • 5 people to teach or serve in hospitality to young adults
  • 22 smiling faces to welcome worshippers
  • 10 compassionate people to join a Congregational Care Team
  • 22 Production volunteers to support worship services
  • Musicians and singers of all types to assist in leading worship
  • And others to coach Upward teams, provide hospitality at events, or set up chairs for our Contemporary Service

Many of you are serving faithfully. I’m not asking for more from you. But many of you have simply been along for the ride. One of our sayings around here is that we are all crew, not passengers. Is it time for you to hop out of the passenger seat and join the crew? Your church needs you.

If you are being called to serve right now, would you go to our Serve page on our website here? When you do, you’ll see all the opportunities available and can fill out a form to have the appropriate staff member contact you. I’m praying you’ll flock there now and that we’ll have zero open volunteer roles heading into the fall.


In the Spirit,

Executive Pastor