Pastor's Blog

Go with the Gospel

Justin Nalls, Lead Pastor

Go With the Gospel

18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

In order to make disciples, Jesus tells us to “go.” Go where? As we often say…here, there, and everywhere! We want to go with the gospel everywhere we can – locally, nationally, and globally. I am thankful for a church committed to going with the gospel!

Did you know…

  • We have had almost 1,400 participants in mission efforts this year.
  • We partner with three church plants in the United States.
  • We have upcoming mission trips to Portland, Zimbabwe, and Kenya.

If you are interested in going on a mission trip, even if you are not sure when or where, or if you are interested in receiving updates about mission trips so that you can be praying for those who go, contact our Missions Minister, Lisa Call, at

If you are interested in giving toward missions, know that every time you give to Ingleside, some of that money is used for missions. If you would like to give in addition to your regular giving, you can give to our World Missions Fund on our website here.

New Leaders Elected

At our Semi-Annual Church Conference, we elected new Overseers and this year’s Deacon Ministry Team.

BJ Fair, Mark Holloway, Nick Morgan, and Glenn Smith were elected to serve a 3-year term as Overseers beginning on October 1.

The Deacon Ministry Team includes deacons and their wives: Randy and Donna Blizzard, Jim and Sharron Bright, Larry and Jennie Bush, Jimmy and Sarah Clance, Wayne and Wanda Flanders, Stanley and Beth Johnson, Johnny and Helen Jones, Wade and Sally McCurry, Pat and Terry Rabun, Rick and Kathy Reed, Glenn and Terri Smith, and Richard and Dawn Taylor. Their term of service begins October 1 as well.

Join me in praying for wisdom and favor for each of these leaders as they lead and serve.

2025 Ministry Budget Adopted

At our Semi-Annual Church Conference, we also approved our 2025 Ministry Budget, totaling $8 million. I want to say thank you to the 1,746 individuals representing 1,218 families who have invested financial resources in the work of the Lord at Ingleside so far this year.

With the affection of Christ,