Sunday Morning Classes
9:40 a.m.
Bowman/Crowley Class
Co-EdThe Bowman/Crowley class is made up of couples and singles, ages 65 and up who gather to learn from God’s word and challenge themselves to make a difference in the world.
Leaders: Scott Judd, David Moore, and Steve Wooley
Location: W-102 -
9:40 a.m.
Co-EdOur class includes all life stages. We study the intriguing stories, history, and geography of the Bible, and how God uses the stories of the most unlikely people and circumstances to draw us into a closer relationship with him through the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Leaders: Mike Newsome and Joel Latimer
Location: W-101 -
9:40 a.m.
G.I.F.T. (Growing in Faith Together)
Co-EdJoin the G.I.F.T. class! This class is Growing In Faith Together as a place for couples and singles ages 65 and over.
Leaders: Van Hale
Location: W-103 -
9:40 a.m.
Co-EdThis class is a vibrant, mature class, made up of couples and singles in their 60s and 70s. We love to fellowship together as we study God’s word.
Leaders: Lynda Moore, Doyle Niedens, Brian Sutton, Bill McCormick
Location: W-200 -
9:40 a.m.
Prime Time
Co-EdThe Prime Time class is made up of men and women who desire to grow in wisdom and spiritual maturity during these “prime” years of life! Active participant ages range from 60-85.
Leaders: David Fortson, Richard Hart, Dianne Roberts, Tom Smothers
Location: W-104 -
9:40 a.m.
Women of the Word
Women OnlyThis class is a diverse group of ladies of different ages and backgrounds. We seek to be his disciples, encouraging each other to rely together on God and his word for strength and joy.
Leader: Sheryl Hull
Location: W-201 -
11:00 a.m.
Worship Arts
Co-EdJoin this class designed specifically for those serving with the Worship Arts Team on Sunday mornings. This is a diverse group of men and women of all life stages, gathering to discuss, learn, and apply God’s word together. They meet after the musical worship portion of the 11:00 Blended Service.
Leaders: Richard Taylor and Linton Holleman
Location: Choir Room -
11:00 a.m.
Men OnlyThis class is a group of older men who continue to study the Scriptures together. Most of the class has served God and their church faithfully for many years.
Leaders: Bob Cronin, Harvey Parks
Location: W-105 -
11:00 a.m.
Kate Davis Class
Women OnlyThis class is for senior adult ladies who seek to discover, memorize, and apply the living word through study and service as led by the Spirit.
Leaders: Nina Terrell, Linda Harris
Location: W-102