Grow Conference
I am excited about our new Grow Conference on Sunday, March 16! Register today by clicking here. The cost for adults is $10 per person. There is no cost for preschool, elementary, middle or high school students if registered by Friday, March 7. Here are some helpful details as you plan:
For Adults in College and Beyond…
- 4:00 – 4:20 p.m. Welcome with Dr. Justin Nalls in the Worship Center
- 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. Breakout Session #1
- 5:30 – 6:00 p.m. Fellowship and Hospitality in the Gathering Area
- 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Breakout Session #2
- 7:00 p.m. End of Conference
Choose your “Top 3” selections from 20 great breakouts, with the promise that you’ll be assigned at least 2!
Next Generation Focus
- Practical Parenting for Preschoolers with Jennifer Mitchell, featuring a panel discussion with some Ingleside parents.
Session 1: Kevin and Shannon Bryant and Brandon and Anna Blanche Pennington
Session 2: Joel and Katie Judah and Joe and Ashley Keene - Navigating Anxiety and Mental Health for Kids with Christian Sprout
- Making the Most of the Holidays: Family Traditions Centered on Christ with Jonathan and Gina Green
- Building Boys into Men of God with David Peterson and B.J. Fair
- Growing Girls into Godly Women with Melanie Foster and Gracie Foster-Peterson
- Taming Technology: Discernment in a Digital World with Wil Fason.
- Navigating the Now: Understanding Secular Culture with David Dargel (Session 1 only)
- Honoring Parents Biblically in Every Season with Stape Patterson
- Help! My Kids are Adults: Parenting Doesn’t Quit with Denny and Laura Sims and Martin and Missy Willingham
Marriage Focus
- Marriage Matters: Even When It’s Not a Nest Yet! with Johnny and Carla Morton (Session 1 only)
- Marriage Matters: Even When the Nest is Full! with Justin and Cassie Nalls
- Marriage Matters: Even When the Nest is Empty! with Johnny and Carla Morton (Session 2 only)
All Generations
- Leadership Principles for the Real World with Andy Johnson and Thomas Yawn
- Gospel Conversations: Anywhere and Everywhere with Jon Kitchens and Lisa Call (Session 2 only)
- Worship Through Sight and Sound with Michael Wutzke
- The Maps in the Back: Scriptural Geography Matters with Andy Cook
- Managing Money for Eternal Significance with Nick Morgan
- Missions: The Great God Magnifier with Jana Abbott
- How to Care for Those Who are Grieving with Mark Hudgins and featuring a testimony from Sue Marks
- Working Well: Thriving as a Christian in the Workplace with Alex Correa and Ben Hobbs
Semi-Annual Church Conference
On Wednesday, February 26, we will have our Semi-Annual Church Conference. It will be in Room F-300 at 7:45 p.m. You will hear a ministry report, a financial report, and an Overseer report. You will also have a chance to ask me any questions that you might have. I am thankful for the overall health of our church and the ways the Lord is at work in us and through us. I hope you can be here on February 26 to hear all about it!
With the affection of Christ,