Pastor's Blog

Grow Conference

Dr. Justin Nalls, Lead Pastor

Grow Conference

I am excited about our new Grow Conference on Sunday, March 16! Register today by clicking here. The cost for adults is $10 per person. There is no cost for preschool, elementary, middle or high school students if registered by Friday, March 7. Here are some helpful details as you plan:

For Adults in College and Beyond…

  • 4:00 – 4:20 p.m. Welcome with Dr. Justin Nalls in the Worship Center
  • 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. Breakout Session #1
  • 5:30 – 6:00 p.m. Fellowship and Hospitality in the Gathering Area
  • 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Breakout Session #2
  • 7:00 p.m. End of Conference

Choose your “Top 3” selections from 20 great breakouts, with the promise that you’ll be assigned at least 2!

Next Generation Focus

  1. Practical Parenting for Preschoolers with Jennifer Mitchell, featuring a panel discussion with some Ingleside parents.
    Session 1: Kevin and Shannon Bryant and Brandon and Anna Blanche Pennington
    Session 2: Joel and Katie Judah and Joe and Ashley Keene
  2. Navigating Anxiety and Mental Health for Kids with Christian Sprout
  3. Making the Most of the Holidays: Family Traditions Centered on Christ with Jonathan and Gina Green
  4. Building Boys into Men of God with David Peterson and B.J. Fair
  5. Growing Girls into Godly Women with Melanie Foster and Gracie Foster-Peterson
  6. Taming Technology: Discernment in a Digital World with Wil Fason.
  7. Navigating the Now: Understanding Secular Culture with David Dargel (Session 1 only)
  8. Honoring Parents Biblically in Every Season with Stape Patterson
  9. Help! My Kids are Adults: Parenting Doesn’t Quit with Denny and Laura Sims and Martin and Missy Willingham

Marriage Focus

  1. Marriage Matters: Even When It’s Not a Nest Yet! with Johnny and Carla Morton (Session 1 only)
  2. Marriage Matters: Even When the Nest is Full! with Justin and Cassie Nalls
  3. Marriage Matters: Even When the Nest is Empty! with Johnny and Carla Morton (Session 2 only)

 All Generations

  1. Leadership Principles for the Real World with Andy Johnson and Thomas Yawn
  2. Gospel Conversations: Anywhere and Everywhere with Jon Kitchens and Lisa Call (Session 2 only)
  3. Worship Through Sight and Sound with Michael Wutzke
  4. The Maps in the Back: Scriptural Geography Matters with Andy Cook
  5. Managing Money for Eternal Significance with Nick Morgan
  6. Missions: The Great God Magnifier with Jana Abbott
  7. How to Care for Those Who are Grieving with Mark Hudgins and featuring a testimony from Sue Marks
  8. Working Well: Thriving as a Christian in the Workplace with Alex Correa and Ben Hobbs

Semi-Annual Church Conference

On Wednesday, February 26, we will have our Semi-Annual Church Conference. It will be in Room F-300 at 7:45 p.m. You will hear a ministry report, a financial report, and an Overseer report. You will also have a chance to ask me any questions that you might have. I am thankful for the overall health of our church and the ways the Lord is at work in us and through us. I hope you can be here on February 26 to hear all about it!


With the affection of Christ,