Pastor's Blog

Here’s a Thought–Forget Yourself!

Andy Johnson Headshot
Andy Johnson, Executive Pastor

In today’s blog, you’ll read about (1) an encouragement toward humble living and (2) a note about a staff transition.

In Timothy Keller’s little book, The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness, he says, “…the essence of gospel-humility is not thinking more of myself or thinking less of myself, it is thinking of myself less” (p. 32).

In other words, being an effective follower of Christ is not founded upon raising or reducing your self-esteem but considering others at the expense of considering yourself. This is one of the keys to contentment and underlies a life of servanthood rather than perfunctory performance.

Sometimes around here, we call that having an others orientation. When your concern is the others around you, whom you can serve, you leave little room in your mind and heart for thoughts about your own comforts and conveniences. Let’s connect the dots of this idea to life in the body of Christ:

  • Will you give others the best parking spot and the best seat in worship?
  • Will you send a text or give a call to the person you haven’t seen at church in a few weeks?
  • Will you give sacrificially at the expense of adding more material goods to your life?
  • Will you invite someone to church who you know needs to be surrounded by gospel truth?
  • Will you speak boldly about Jesus without fear of what that may do to your reputation?
  • Will you walk over to a newcomer and introduce yourself? Perhaps your encounter is the one that helps them “stick.”
  • Will you pray with a person at the moment they share a need with you?
  • Will you go on a mission trip to unfamiliar surroundings to share the gospel here, there, and everywhere?

These are but a few. When you fully realize that you are accepted, not because of who you are or what you do, but because of what Jesus did on the cross, you can empty yourself of yourself and have a lasting gospel influence on those around you. So forget yourself today!

Saying Goodbye to Rebekah Rainer, Bookstore Ministries General Manager

I want the church to know that Rebekah Rainer, who has provided primary leadership to the Bookstore and Café for over 11 years, will soon transition to a new role as the Middle School and Upper School Art Teacher at First Presbyterian Day School. Rebekah’s last day in her role here will be Wednesday, August 2.

Rebekah has provided excellent leadership in her time here and led our Bookstore and Café with excellence and creativity. She will be missed. Thankfully, she and her family plan to continue worshipping and serving at Ingleside in the days ahead.

If you would like to express blessing and appreciation to Rebekah, please plan to attend a reception in her honor, in the Café, on Wednesday, August 2, from 7:30-8:30 p.m. You may drop in at your convenience.

And will you pray that the Lord will bring just the right leader for this open role soon? I trust he will!

In the Spirit,

Executive Pastor