Pastor's Blog

Reasons to Give Thanks

Justin Nalls, Lead Pastor

Reasons to Give Thanks

As we near the end of the church’s fiscal year (October – September), it’s a good opportunity to look back and evaluate how things are going. We often evaluate by considering both numbers and stories. We get that pattern from the book of Acts, which records numerical growth (2:41, 2:47, 4:4, 5:14, 6:7) as well as stories of individual lives that were changed (8:9ff, 8:26ff, 9:1ff, 9:36ff, 10:11ff, 16:11ff).

I am thankful that I regularly hear stories of the Lord at work in and through individuals in our church. I am also thankful for numbers that indicate health and spiritual vitality in our church. Here is a snapshot of the past 12 months and how it compares to the previous year.

  • Worship attendance average: 2,001 on campus; 12.5% increase.
  • Average number of adults in groups each week: 665; 7% increase.
  • Average attendance at The Gathering (College/Young Adult service): 49; 48% increase.
  • Average number in Preschool Ministry on Sunday morning: 166; 8% increase.
  • Average number in Kids’ Worship on Sunday morning: 133; .8% increase.
  • Average number of participants in Xtreme Week (VBS): 787; 4% increase.
  • Average number in Middle School Ministry on Sunday morning: 88; 5% increase.
  • Average number in High School Ministry on Sunday morning: 90; 7% increase.
  • Number of people involved in missions: 1,498; 38% increase.
  • Number of new members: 161; 15% increase.
  • Number of baptisms: 65; 8% decrease.
  • Giving (through August): $7,377,399; .4% increase.

Of course, as has often been said at Ingleside, every number has a name, every name has a story, and every story matters in the providence of God. As we see these numbers, let’s praise the Lord for his faithfulness and grace as he continues to work among us and through us!

With the affection of Christ,