Due to inclement weather, the church office will be closed on Wednesday, January 22.
Weekday Preschool and Mother’s Morning Out will also be closed.
There will be no Midweek programming or activities. 

Pastor's Blog

“Should I be a member?” – Five Good Reasons

Tim McCoy
Tim McCoy

Are you a member at Ingleside yet?  If not, I hope you will make plans now to be in our adult membership class on Sunday, February 5, at 4:00 p.m. (the class for children and students is at 12:15 p.m.). Here are five good reasons to take this important step.

First, membership—both the word and the concept—is biblical.  1 Corinthians 12:27 says: “Now you are the body of Christ, and individually members of it” (ESV).  God expects those who follow Christ to be members of his body, the church.  That means making a vital, committed connection to other believers in a local assembly. By becoming a member you are joining with others as we “strive to excel in building up the church” (1 Corinthians 14:12, ESV).

Second, membership is necessary for maximum spiritual growth.  If you dig up a tree and move it to a different location every few weeks or months, do you suppose it would bear maximum fruit?  Obviously not.  Similarly, people who just “float” from one church to another never develop the deep relationships necessary to experience significant spiritual growth.  The fact is that maximum spiritual growth cannot occur in isolation or when I wander like a spiritual nomad from one church to the next.  Growth occurs best only in the context of commitment to other believers.

Third, membership clarifies and strengthens my spiritual commitments.  Jesus expected his disciples to confess him as Lord, be baptized in his name, obey his commands, and share the good news.  When I become a member it’s a way of saying, “Yes.  I believe in Jesus.  I will obey him.  I will share the gospel.  I will not be ashamed of Christ.  I will make an open, honest commitment to following Jesus with all my heart.”  God is honored when our commitment to him is clarified and strengthened.

Fourth, when I become a member, I’m placing myself in an accountable relationship with spiritual leaders.  Think about the practical wisdom of it.  Students learn best under gifted teachers.  Teams play best under great coaches.  Armies fight best under seasoned commanders.  In a similar way, God intends for all who follow Christ to be under the care and direction of wise spiritual leaders (cf. Hebrews 13:17).  To go it alone is to settle for less than God’s best!

Fifth, when I become a member I’m acknowledging that it’s not all about me.  No longer just a consumer, I become a contributor.  I’m saying to the other members of the body: “You can count on me!”  For God’s glory, I’ll do my part to make this body as strong and healthy as possible.  Such an “others orientation” honors God and is good for us!

Membership Class Q&A

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about our membership class.

  • Where? Just come in the east entrance to the Worship Center, and someone will be there to welcome you and point you in the right direction.  The class is in room F-300, just up the stairs from the Upper Gathering Area.
  • When? The class begins at 4:00 p.m. and ends by 8:00 p.m., and we serve you a complimentary snack supper along the way.
  • Do I need a reservation? No, we have a place for you, and a reservation is not required.
  • What should I wear? Dress is casual.
  • Who leads the class? Mark Hudgins, our Membership Pastor, will lead most of the class, but you will typically meet other pastors as well.
  • How many people will be in the class? It varies from month to month, but typically between 5 and 25 people are there.
  • Why a class? We believe that you should know all about our church before you join it.  Membership involves more than “walking the aisle.”  You’ll hear about what we believe doctrinally, how we are led and organized, how you can get more involved, what’s expected of members, what our mission, vision, and values are.  Bottom line:  this class helps you get connected and helps keep our church united.
  • Will I be able to ask questions? Yes, there are multiple points for interaction as we meet.
  • Will I be expected to make a commitment to membership? At the end of the class, there is an opportunity to make a commitment to membership, but there is no pressure to do so.

I hope you will be in the membership class this Sunday, February 5!

Your Pastor and Friend,