Pastor's Blog

Staff Transition

Dr. Justin Nalls, Lead Pastor

Staff Transition

I want you to know about a transition that will occur on our team later this year. Andy Johnson’s last day as our Executive Pastor will be no earlier than June 30 and no later than December 31. This change represents a new season of ministry that he and his wife, Michaella, have been praying about for several years.

Around 2019, Andy and Michaella started a discernment process of what a “second half” of ministry should be for them. Andy made a commitment to serve with Dr. McCoy through his retirement and then committed to staying in his current position for at least my first year to help me get started.

I am very thankful for Andy’s love for our church and for his willingness to play a key role throughout our Lead Pastor succession. He has been incredibly helpful to me personally. We enjoy working together, and have a strong, healthy partnership. I can assure you that there is nothing “more” to the story beyond Andy’s desire to be faithful with the desires God has placed in his heart regarding the next season of ministry. I am genuinely excited for him and his family. I am also grateful that they plan to remain all-in members of Ingleside so that we will continue to enjoy their fellowship and benefit from their gifts.

At least one part of the next season has become clear for Andy and Michaella. This month, Andy will launch a search firm focused on helping Southern Baptist churches find staff. Even as he builds this new search firm, Andy will maintain his current responsibilities and schedule as Ingleside’s Executive Pastor.

Thanks to a long runway for this transition, we have time to develop a good plan for what’s next. Andy and I will work closely together to ensure this transition goes smoothly. Of course, we will make sure you are aware of the plan so that you remain “up on” this significant transition.

I love you, church family. I am grateful for you and for the Lord’s grace toward our church. I am thankful that because of His faithfulness the best is yet to come!

With the affection of Christ,