Due to inclement weather, the church office will be closed on Wednesday, January 22.
Weekday Preschool and Mother’s Morning Out will also be closed.
There will be no Midweek programming or activities. 

Pastor's Blog

The Exchange Zone

Tim McCoy Headshot
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

The Exchange Zone

In a 4×100 meter relay race, one of the most exciting events in a track and field meet, each of the four runners must complete their leg of the race successfully for their team to win.

Especially critical are the baton passes from one runner to the next. The three baton passes must occur in clearly marked 20-meter segments called exchange zones.

At Ingleside, we are currently in just such an exchange zone. With Pastor Justin’s election as our next Lead Pastor on March 10 and with Easter now in the rearview mirror, the three-month period of April through June is our exchange zone.

We are working together to make the Lead Pastor baton pass as smooth and efficient as possible so that our church will not lose any momentum and will continue to run our gospel race in a way that pleases the Lord.

I want you to know of three ways the baton pass is occurring.

Sunday preaching. This is the most visible indication that the baton pass is happening. Between now and my final Sunday on June 30, Pastor Justin will be preaching more often. He is scheduled to speak on April 28, May 5 (8:30 and 9:40), May 19, May 26, and June 16. I am scheduled to speak on April 14 and 21, May 5 (11:00 only), May 12, and June 2, 9, 23, and 30. I hope you will be here every Sunday and will pray for the Father’s favor and anointing on each message.

Pastor’s blog. As plans are finalized for July 1 and beyond, Pastor Justin will begin to write some of the weekly pastor’s blogs. On occasion, a blog may also be written by our Executive Pastor, Andy Johnson. The three of us are coordinating weekly to make sure that clear, timely communication is occurring as the baton is passed. As you know, we learned long ago that “people are ‘down on’ what they are not ‘up on,’” so we want you to be “up on” all that is going on in the exchange zone.

Organizational leadership. Largely behind the scenes, Pastor Justin and I will be working closely together on the budget preparation and approval process, the annual staff evaluation and review process, the Overseer nominating process, staff searches, and all the other day-to-day coordination required for our church to remain healthy and vibrant. The leadership partnerships and patterns in our church have been strong and effective for many years, and we are working to make sure they continue to flourish through the exchange zone.

I am confident the Lord will give us wisdom and grace to pass the pastoral leadership baton successfully, and I’m counting on your continued prayers, encouragement, and partnership as we run with joy and faithfulness the race he has marked out for us (cf. Hebrews 12:1-3). Remember, the best is yet to come!

Your Pastor and Friend,

Tim McCoy Signature