Pastor's Blog

The Right Time, The Right Way

Tim McCoy
Tim McCoy

Calling All Educators and Students

By now, almost all the schools in our region are back in session. For most nesting-stage families, the relaxed rhythms of summer have been replaced by the more regimented cadences of a new school year.

So this Sunday, August 20, we will recognize, honor, and pray for all educators and students in each of our worship services at Ingleside.

No matter your educational setting (from preschool to graduate school) or your educational role (pupil, teacher, principal, counselor, coach, professor, administrator, etc.), I hope to see you in worship on Sunday!

The Right Time, the Right Way

Healthy processes and healthy results go together – even in the life of a church.

The Bible says: “The wise heart will know the proper time and procedure. For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter” (Ecclesiastes 8:5b-6a, NIV).

Another version translates: “Yes, there’s a right time and way for everything” (Ecclesiastes 8:6a, Message).

In the New Testament, the same principle is articulated: “God is not a God of confusion but of peace. . . . all things should be done decently and in order” (1 Corinthians 14:33, 40, ESV).

At Ingleside, we recognize that while good processes, policies, and procedures will not guarantee God’s favor and the health of the church, their absence will almost certainly waste energy, make conflict more likely, and diminish spiritual vitality and growth.

So we do our best to order our life together in a way that honors the biblical principle: the right time and the right way for everything.

Church Conference – August 30

One example of a healthy process at Ingleside is our upcoming Semi-Annual Church Conference on Wednesday night, August 30, at 7:45 p.m. in Room W-200.

Two of the items on the agenda are the approval of our 2024 Ministry Budget and the election of new Overseers. The votes in our Church Conference represent the concluding steps in open, orderly processes regarding both the budget and new leaders.

Consider the budget process. A draft was developed by staff for review by our Overseers on June 20. Congregational input was welcomed at a “town meeting” on June 25. Overseers then approved the budget on July 25. Now the final step is a congregational vote.

What about the Overseer selection process? Recommendations were solicited congregation-wide in late April and early May. A nominating committee of fourteen carefully and prayerfully reviewed the recommendations and selected nominees. The Overseer Chairman and Lead Pastor interviewed nominees and spouses. Now the final step is a congregational vote.

I’m thankful for a church family that recognizes and values the biblical principle: the right time and the right way for everything.  It’s for our good and for God’s glory.

I hope to see you at the conference on August 30!

Your Pastor and Friend,