Pastor's Blog

Updates to Ministry Spaces

Dr. Justin Nalls, Lead Pastor

Updates to Ministry Spaces

I am excited to share with you that we have recently updated two ministry spaces in our facility to help us continue to make disciples in those areas.

The Basement (Middle School Ministry space)

Did you know that each Sunday morning we have about 95 people in the Middle School Ministry area known as “The Basement”? Great fellowship occurs, and God’s word is taught in a large group setting and then discussed in smaller groups. On Wednesday nights, middle school students meet to worship together before breaking into small groups. So a lot of significant ministry takes place in that space each week.

In order to help us reach another generation of students, we recently completed some updates in The Basement. We put in new floors, painted all the rooms, and installed new lighting and sound systems. In addition to giving it a fresh, welcoming look, these updates will allow us to continue to provide excellent ministry into the next season.

The Annex

Did you know that each Sunday morning approximately 20 people meet in the Annex for our College Bible study class? Each Tuesday night, about 50 college students and young adults meet in the Annex for a worship service called The Gathering. Right now, about 20 people meet in the Annex on Sunday afternoons for Perspectives, a course on global missions. The Annex has also served as a collection site for Operation Christmas Child, allowing us to have a role in the gospel going to families all around the world.

In order to continue to invest our growing Young Adult Ministry, and to allow us to continue to use the Annex well, we recently completed some updates. We put in new floors, purchased new chairs, updated the sound system, and installed window shades. It’s a great space for college students, young adults, and other groups to meet for worship, Bible study, and fellowship.


We are seeing more and more people come to worship, grow in a group, serve in the body, and go with the gospel. And I believe the Lord’s not done with us yet. We are still on mission. There are more disciples to be made. There is more ministry to be done. And our facility can help with that. It gives us spaces to worship, teach the Bible, meet in groups, connect with our community, and fellowship with each other. It is a tool that we can use in our mission to make disciples. Our facility has served us well over the years, and I am thankful for a church with the resources and willingness to invest in our ministry spaces for the sake of our mission.

With the affection of Christ,