Ingleside Visual Arts Ministry

We exist to give visual artists an opportunity to express their gifts for God’s glory and honor. Our goal is to use art as a way to worship the Lord Jesus, both in the creation process and in the finished product.

We believe God is the ultimate creator and that he spoke into being all that there is. He has given all of us the desire and ability to be creative in a myriad of ways. As visual artists, we want to express our praise for those creative gifts by drawing, painting, sculpting, weaving, and using a host of other mediums.

Current Exhibit

Servant and King

Servant and King is Ingleside’s Spring Art Exhibit. This exhibit features art inspired by Christ’s humility in the form of a servant (as well as His reign as King of kings and Lord of lords).

Visit the Mezzanine March 5 through May 29.

Opening Night on Wednesday, March 5 at 5:30 p.m.

View Previous Art Exhibits

Upcoming Exhibit

God’s Zoo | June 11-August 14

God’s Zoo is Ingleside’s Summer Art Exhibit. This exhibit will feature art inspired by God’s creativity when He made the birds, fish, reptiles, and many other wonderful creatures great and small.

Entry submission deadline: Monday, June 2

Upcoming Exhibit Submission

Glorifying God Through Creative Expression

We see the creation process as an act of worship. As we abide in God’s word, we are inspired to create in a way that glorifies God. God’s created world motivates us to create. Our desire is to use our artistic gifts to serve the body of Christ at Ingleside and to instill hope and joy in the community around us.

Our prayer is that the viewer will be moved to worship not the painter, sculptor, or created work but the creator God who gave the artistic gifts to those who painted or sculpted.

Our cry of faith is Soli Deo Gloria — to God alone be all the glory!

Learn More About Visual Arts at Ingleside!

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