Due to inclement weather, the church office will be closed on Wednesday, January 22.
Weekday Preschool and Mother’s Morning Out will also be closed.
There will be no Midweek programming or activities. 

Pastor's Blog

Worthy of Double Honor

Andy Johnson Headshot
Andy Johnson, Executive Pastor

Worthy of Double Honor

Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor,
especially those who labor in preaching and teaching.
(I Timothy 5:17, ESV)  

Our pastor and friend, Tim McCoy, will retire in a little over two months. I know you want to encourage him and Beverly as they enter this new season, so be sure to read below to see three ways to do so. 

Tim’s ministry can hardly be summed up in a few words, but as I consider the impact the Lord has had through him across almost thirty-five years, I think you’ll agree he has: 

  • Faithfully preached and taught God’s word 
  • Personally shared the gospel with unbelievers 
  • Baptized hundreds of new disciples 
  • Cared for the sick and hurting 
  • Sowed words of encouragement 
  • Led with consistency, integrity, and clarity, and 
  • Provided wise counsel just when many needed it most 

Have you been eternally impacted by the McCoys? I’m certain the answer is an enthusiastic “Yes!” Let me ask you to consider just a few ways to send Tim and Beverly off with an outpouring of love: 

  1. Write a note of gratitude. Anyone who loves the McCoys is invited to express their appreciation to them here. We will compile them and provide them to Tim and Beverly after Tim’s retirement. These notes should be completed by Tuesday, April 30.
  2. Film a brief encouraging video. Similar to the notes above, these videos will be compiled and given to the McCoys this summer. Though it may seem intimidating to do, you can find helpful directions here. After reading the step-by-step instructions, I think you’ll find it a simple process. You should submit your video by Tuesday, April 30. Some notes of encouragement and/or videos may be used in other, more public, pieces of Tim’s retirement celebration, but we will ask your permission before doing so.
  3. Participate on June 30. Our schedule will be slightly adjusted on Tim’s last Sunday.  
    • We will have two Blended worship services in the Worship Center at 9:40 and 11:00 a.m., with the livestream at 11:00 a.m. as usual. Both services will include a time of celebration, recognition, and a final word from Tim. There will be no Traditional or Contemporary services.
    • Preschool ministry will still occur, but there will be no Children, Middle School, High School, or Adult programming.
    • We’ll have refreshments in the Gathering Area, and Tim and Beverly will be there to receive you before and after services.

We follow a biblical pattern when we express our gratitude, especially toward those who have led us so well. If you will take a few minutes to be a part of what’s listed above, I know that God will be glorified, the church will be built up, and the McCoys will step into their next season filled with encouragement! 

 In Christ, 

Andy Johnson Signature
Andy Johnson

Executive Pastor